Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

Ecclesiastes 9 tells us to eat bread and drink wine...that God gets pleasure from our pleasure. (Read it in the Message Bible, it's really cool.)

So, anyhoo, I did just that at the Jerusalem Garden Cafe in Asheville last night. Julie and I sauntered in, looking like the happy tourists we kind-of are, and were seated in a back room on floor cushions. The walls and ceiling were covered with a brilliant red fabric and we pretended we were in another world for just an hour.

We ordered a glass of white wine to split between us and happily devoured Jordanian Chicken and Moroccan Couscous. We left nourished and satisfied, with grins from ear to ear. Later that evening, we found out we missed the belly dancers that entertain on the weekends, but we were actually relieved.

Today, we're sitting in the Old Europe Cafe an Battery Park in downtown Asheville. The only place I've ever seen that's a beer, wine, and coffee shop with elegant desserts and an old world flair. I feel especially out of place here with my laptop, as no one else is sporting one, everyone else is sitting, mostly outside, in pleasant conversation with companions.

Julie and I have considered donning a southern accent for certain excursions, but we fear we would slip into the Northern sound once again--the sound lots of people down here thinks sounds "New York."

FYI - my laptop is almost out of juice, and we've lost internet access at the Wellness Center. You may or may not hear from me the next few days, but I am doing splendidly. I'm blessed by your friendships and anticipate many moments of sharing when I return.

Treatments 7 & 8

Glory, glory. I wondered if this week of treatment would be at all helpful on Monday. The fibrotic tissue in my ankle could have prevented any future progress. However...I'm happy to report that each day the tissue is noticeably softer and pliable. The castor oil packs are working, my body is still detoxifying, and we believe the enzymes I started last week are contributing to this happy state of affairs as well!

Every day I learn amazing facts about my body and how to heal and become the healthiest I can be. Two more treatments to go. Before long, I will be walking along in stockings with no bandages. I might miss the sympathy comments just a touch...but not enough to stay crippled! :)

Julie and I are praying nightly for healing for my leg, and we believe God is answering our prayers by continuing to provide healing. It may be that a good deal more healing will occur over the next year.

I must go for to you soon, dear friends.

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