Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Once upon a time...or "the pictures are coming soon"

Once upon a time, David and Suzie got married . . . and 5 weeks later, they still didn't have their wedding pictures posted on Suzie's blog. Because patience is a virtue. Because we're still oooing and aahing over them ourselves. Because we'd like to touch up just a few more. Just because.

But we're almost there.

And for anyone who's wondering, my neck is fine now. Lesson learned: beware of chiropractors who knock the wind out of you.

Now if I could just get my office/freelance business organized. One day at a time, with something new learned every day.

And if anyone else is wondering, David's job is secure for now. As with all of you, we're sitting tight and looking to God to provide for now and in the future.

Come back soon for a load of pictures. Really.

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