Friday, June 13, 2008

What's a girl to do with rhubarb?

First, here's the small rhubarb crop from our backyard. 

Exciting, isn't it?

And somehow my husband knew exactly how to pull up the equivalent of 4 cups worth of rhubarb. Nice eye, honey!

So, while I was dicing up the rhubarb, I made a quick trip down memory lane, remembering how my middle sissie and I used to sell rhubarb out of my dad's garden when I was a kid. It seemed to multiply like baby rabbits do, and we would harvest it with dad, then bundle the stuff in large paper grocery bags. Next, we hauled out our rusty radio flyer and filled it for a trip downtown, just about a block away from our house. I must have been around ten years old, and in those days, we could make the trip alone.

We sold the stuff for an amount I can't recall today, but it must have been cheap. Two cute little sisters, peddling their wares...and sometimes people bought it, too. Perhaps mainly because they had pity on us. Or it reminded them of their own childhood. Whatever.

Any-hoo, I distinctly remember, back in the day, putting a stalk in my own mouth for a taste. Whoo--ee! That was tart.

So today I picked up a little piece of our diced rhubarb, put in my mouth and sucked down hard. It was only a little piece of tart, but boy, did it bring back happy memories.

And after putting all the pieces together, 50 minutes after I placed it in the oven, voila:

Can you see the delectable juices bubbling?
Well, can you? If you EVER have the opportunity to partake of rhubarb crisp, still steaming from the oven, seize the day while you may. 

Now, let's get down to business. Here is the fabulous, easy recipe I used:

(Please note: I also liberally sprinkle chopped walnut pieces across the top before baking. It increases the protein content and offers a nice contrast of crunch with the saucy rhubarb.)

I actually work off my husband's laptop, perched on the kitchen counter, which is how we may all bake someday.

And one more rhubarb tip. David and I are addicted to the food network, and in an effort to encourage rhubarb use, he told me about a recipe for rhubarb lemonade. I haven't tested it, mind you, but hey, they used it on the food network, people. C'mon, it's got to be good.

Turns out it's actually a strawberry-rhubarb lemonade concoction:

Anyway, all this rhubarb talk reminds me of my dad and his love for any kind of 
fresh fruit crisp. This makes two rhubarb crisps for me in one week. And somehow I'm 
quite sure he would be proud.


Cal said...

Love you guys dearly, but the real use for rhubarb is to thwock your older brother upside the head with it. But eat it? Eyikeeeees. Never could take it. Grams used to make a big deal when they had fresh rhubarb at the restaurant - I'd run and hide in my closet. :-D

Anonymous said...

Well, Carlton, I sincerely hope your older brother survived your rhubarb-thwocking with no lasting harm done.

I personally think you would be hooked on the stuff after one bite of my rhubarb crisp...

-you know who