Saturday, November 01, 2008

My tall, loveable, goofball of a guy

The man of the house is a cutup. Proof #1: we hosted a fun event at a local coffee house last night where my friend Cal made some outstanding music, and David decided to ham it up. His excuse? It's Halloween. And that's why he went from this...

To this...

In case you're wondering, that's my famous "Serena" wig. Quite a contrast, eh? And so thought the rest of the people at the coffee house. Including a few stunned acquantainces who were meeting him for the first time. Including a fellow-chaplain's wife!

Nope, you never know quite what will happen with David around. My friend Janet told me before we were married that she believed David's goofiness would be a perfect match for my seriousness. She believes he is just what the Dr. (or the Creator) ordered. I'm in complete agreement.

And in case you're wondering about the seriousness of the goofball claim, here's further supporting evidence:

You gotta love a man in uniform. So sorry, ladies, but this goofball of a guy is all mine!!


Erin said...

I think the wig looked better on you. :)

So glad you're so happy!!

Suzanne Cross-Burden said...

Ah, thanks for the vote of confidence. So happy to keep in touch with you online....