Monday, November 24, 2008

An Arranged Marriage Gone Right or How I Came To Wear a Sari

I am not of India or anywhere remotely exotic. I was born in Chicago and have spent most of my life up till now in the great Midwest. So I gain culture from my friends and acquaintances. At least I try.

A few weeks back, we were attending a church gathering of our Sunday School class...a really vibrant, challenging group of people, and our friends Oe and Mariam decided they wanted to do a sari presentation.

That is, being from India, and having recently returned from an extended missions trip there, Mariam wanted us to see these beautiful displays of silk and color. And I was voted in as the manikin. I didn't complain, though. I've always admired Mariam's Indian outfits. And so she wrapped me up. And everyone admired my new look.

But at the time, I was thinking more about the fact that Oe and Mariam, being from India after all, must have had an arranged marriage of some fashion. And so I asked the question and was rewarded with a fascinating love story.

That is, it all started out rather beningly, but when you realize what become of the arrangement, it's quite stunning. Two young Christian people in India, waiting to find their life's mate. He was 28, she 20, which is not uncommon. Their fathers met and discussed their personalities, their Christian values, and...well, the possibilities. It was decided they should meet. But going in, Mariam knew she could say no if she wasn't excited about the prospect. She knew she had veto power, which made it a little easier.

So they met for a 1/2 hour, discussed personal and spiritual values they held dear, and decided to do it. Her only hesitation? "Mother," she said, "He is a Christian worker and I am afraid on his salary he will not be able to afford many saris for his wife." And if that is your only red flag, well then, marriage must be imminent. And it was.

What became of their union? 44 years later, it is vibrant and true. They became missionaries to Kenya, where Oe taught at a Bible institute. He is now a very well-respected Bible teacher--his partner, Mariam, has a Christian spirituality that runs deep and a heart of gold. And so, several children and grandchildren later, after Oe (72) and Mariam (64) have been settled near children in the states, they have decided to take trips to India to help a Bible institute there. For much of the time I have known them, they have been in India or just returning. It was hard there, quite difficult at times and very trying, but God was faithful. The reward is knowing you've been obedient and seeing God work in amazing ways. Even opening up a well for drinking water, in an area that had been without water for as long as anyone knew. An area that was in desperate need.  This Sunday in church I looked over at OE and leaned over to see the pin on his lapel. Do you know what it said? "Expect miracles."

I guess the arrangement worked out alright, eh? I love a good story where love conquers all. And when a union is based upon the pure, true love of Christ, miracles do happen. And we should expect them.

(Sorry, I don't have a pic of this happy couple; perhaps I can post one later!!)

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