Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Top 10 Joys of Married Life, continued...

Oh, the suspense...

4. You complete me--er, complement me.
Ah, yes, the ying and the yang we spoke of last time. Let us make it clear first that we do not believe we complete each other. No offense to Tom Cruise or Renee Zellweger or the movie Jerry Maguire. We may be in our still-sappy newlywed phase, but we both agree we were complete long before we met each other. But as for complementing each other, we stand amazed. We love the give-and-take of married life, where one party knows the most about cooking and baking (that would be David, with his gourmet prowess and his to-die-for lemon cheesecake in a water bath), while the other partner excels at planning meals and efficient shopping (that would be me). David comes up with excellent solutions to many scheduling issues and "how-to" projects; I try to (gently) interject the female perspective on maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family. There's a balance we're finding that never existed before in life; however vulnerable marriage makes you, it helps to have someone who recognizes our weakness and fills in for them, while appreciating our strengths. (We'll save the "you complete me" for overdramatic chick flicks.)

3. Sex.
David suggested I call this one "knowing each other in the biblical sense." But it is what it is. So close your mouth that opened in surprise and stop that blushing; sex is a beautiful thing. This list would not be complete without it. If you're still in shock, read The Song of Solomon in the Bible and get back to us. Our culture has so distorted this amazingly mysterious and wondrous invention God created, that it's become dirty, casual, and even ho-hum. However difficult our single years were, as hard as it was to stay chaste in a world that tells you everybody is doing it, I was so happy to give myself first to David on our wedding night. (And if you're reading this and engaging in pre-marital sex or God-forbid, have been misused or abused in some way, there's healing and hope, friends. You can start over again, as so many have.) Red-hot monogamy is alive and well. Yeah, baby!

More to come as we count down to numbers 2 and 1. Y'all come back now, ya here? 

1 comment:

Cal said...

Gave you and the D-man a shout-out on my blog. Vicki and I celebrated our 26th anniversary today - and it's great to think that the joys you mention only get better as the years roll along.

Blessings, friends!