Monday, August 04, 2008

The Top 10 Joys of Married Life, continued...

By now, you may be having trouble sleeping...what will those newlyweds come up with next?? The countdown continues:

6. Sharing expenses—and everything else.
I used to wilt lettuce almost weekly in my refrigerator--along with a variety of leftovers, too. Now I have a hungry husband who helps me finish things off. Spoiled perishables are becoming much rarer! Our automobile insurance premiums decreased since we are on a joint policy, as did our general living expenses, since we pay one mortgage, one electric bill, etc. And if we rent a movie via "verizon on demand," we pay one fee for the two of us. We have two people available to pick veggies from the garden and water the flowers. Same goes for cooking and cleaning up, too. And if one of us gets really busy for some reason, the other can field phone calls. I like knowing David is caring for our lawn and our bills, and he loves the clean laundry stacked on top of his dresser. As my niece says, "It's nice to share with other people."

5. 2x the problem-solving potential.
I don't always think logically, plotting out things from point a to point b, etc. But David does. I have tricks for cleaning and maintaining stuff, and he usually has tricks for how to get places easier and how to maximize trips, etc. He knows who to call for what, and he's not afraid to ask people for favors or to help them out when he notices they need it. Before they ask. When we prepare a meal for guests, we count on each other to pull it off with the least stress possible. Pooling your brainpower can pay off in so many ways I never anticipated. Our yin and yang are both necessary to get the best possible outcomes.

Four more to come, and soon. Cheers!

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