Tuesday, August 05, 2008

One Couple's Review of The Shack

I don't know how to tell you this, but we really enjoyed The Shack. Despite the fact that we don't agree with it theologically on several points. In our initial read, we each read past that, to get a glimpse of how one man can come to grips with a God that loves so intensely, even when bad things happen. And even through those terrible, hard-to-live with things.

What David thinks:
My favorite quote from the book is "Living unloved is like clipping a bird's wings and removing its ability to fly. Not something I want for you." (page 97)  One of the fruits of the spirit is love. If we are to be like Christ, then we are to practice the fruits of the spirit. It follows that if we love others we will get love from either the receiver, or sometimes from God, just because we've been obedient. Can you imagine life without Love? Here's a better thought: can you imagine what would be in store for us if we lived the life of love God calls us to? 

What Suzie thinks:
Suzie thinks this book kind of turned her book club upside down for one evening. They didn't really like the book much, but it was mostly because they didn't agree with it.

Favorite quotes-
"We didn't come to justify it (sin). We came to redeem it."
"Judgment is not about destruction, but setting things right."
"In your pain you assume the worst of me."
"What do I do now? Learn to live loved."

I won't ruin it for those who haven't picked up the book, but let's just say at some point God appears personified as the female gender and of a different ethnicity than most of our "Jesus" pictures portray. Please keep reading. Don't take this book at face value--read through, then think carefully about what you believe  is theologically sound according to the Bible.

But whatever you do, don't miss this: Jesus loves you, no matter what happens in your life, and how he longs to have a deep, abiding, love relationship with you. As page 207 says, "I don't just want a piece of you."

Find out more about the author at http://theshackbook.com/willie.html

And for more information about the book and its controversy, see http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/life/20080529/d_cover29_shack_main.art.htm

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