Friday, December 15, 2006

Cancer Marches In

(original poetry from Suzie)

Cancer marches in,

It saps your strength
And leads to visits
With doctors who
Have seen too much
Of its destructive power.

It announces its intentions
With radiation
And chemotherapy
And surgery.

And sometimes the cure
Seems worse than the disease.

Although usually unnoticed
Cancer also brings rare gifts.

Time suddenly has value
Though it may be filled with quiet
The gift of presence
Has new meaning

Your loved ones grow more precious

As your body fights and thrashes
Against a growing invader
The spirit may grow stronger
More gracious, resilient, grateful

And small pleasures delight you
And warm arms enfold you
Strangers offer comfort
Long-lost friends appear

The best of times
The worst of times

And you summon your energy
To fight
To do the smallest task
To finish well

However long it lasts

Some may say you’re dying
But the truth is
Aren’t we all

Instead, you are living
Right here in the now

For life is a gift you’re given
Regardless of the pain
It foreshadows a greater reality
It reminds you
Of the ache

To see your Creator
To know as you are known
To clear your clouded eyesight
As you step toward heaven’s throne

So embrace today & tomorrow
With eternity in your heart
Hold things lightly
Hold loved ones dear

Be in this moment
Let your maker know your heart

And you will find solace
Peace that passes understanding
Joy in the morning
Grieving turned to laughter

Until you are whole


Unknown said...

That is amazing. It's something that could only be written by someone who has been close to it. I'm going to read this to my mom.

Suzie said...

Hi Jerry:

Thanks for sharing in the journey. It's been so wonderful to have someone else who understands.

You're in my prayers as she prepares to move in.