Friday, July 04, 2008

Celebrating the 4th, free!

No matter what you think about our country at present, the war and the recession, etc., you gotta admit . . . you are still living free. Free to say what you like, free to observe your faith, free to get up and do what you want to today and tomorrow.

You probably didn't think about these freedoms when you woke up this morning, but that doesn't matter--they are yours nonetheless. Most of you are free to have the day off today and are getting paid for it. You are eating whatever you want to today. Some are grilling burgers on the back patio, not even thinking about the fact that they can do this because they don't live in Baghdad or Afghanistan. And though you might grumble about the cost of gas today, you are still free to drive across town or across state. With your windows down or up. Air conditioning or no air conditioning. Your choice. 

You are watching a movie or baking a pie. Combing your daughter's hair while holding her close. Turning on the sprinkler in the front yard to let your kids scream as they pass underneath it. Lighting sparklers. Mowing the lawn.

You are free in the most ordinary, yet extraordinary ways. So, while you are out and about today, being free, I have just one question for you: are you grateful? 

Some of  you bow your head before you eat, a quick thanks to God for food to eat. But instead of just mumbling thanks for your cherry pie or bratwurst today, why not try thanking God for all your freedoms as you go throughout the day? You'll be surprised at how rich you are. No matter what's in your pocketbook.

Try it and see. 

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