Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Suzie Homemaker attempts capellini--with fresh tomato sauce!

I don't believe I've ever been called Suzie Homemaker, but I have to admit, today I'm feeling downright domestic.

It all started when I discovered this morning that "capellini" means "angel hair pasta" and that a "non-reactive bowl" does not include cast iron or aluminum. Glass will do. After these important discoveries, I attempted what I believe is my first pasta dish with totally fresh ingredients (i.e., only the pasta was cooked). Ooo-la-la!

Thank you Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook, which has tons of recipes that make you feel like you're not sacrificing any flavor at all! And thanks to the unknown person who gave us this blessed cookbook at the church shower. Your name is recorded and you will receive a thank you note that expresses my undying, heartfelt gratitude. (David may even send his own note of thanksgiving.)

And so my cooking commenced at about 1 pm, as I minced garlic and chopped tomatoes, onions, and fresh basil. The basil smells like heaven when you chop it and prompted only one sneeze. (But here's the amazing part--we actually bought a basil plant today for me to grow indoors. Unbelievable. No, ladies, I don't wear an apron around the house all day!)

So, any-hoo, then I added the red wine vinegar, evo (extra virgin olive oil, silly--look out Rachel Ray) and sugar. Then the happy mixture sits for no less than 4 hours, during which time it starts to smell like a really good Italian restaurant. And here is what it looks like when you're about to eat it...complete with shaved parmesan on top.

As you can see, capellini with fresh tomato sauce produces a happy husband who loves to have his picture taken while he is eating...


And tomorrow night, honeymoon pictures are going up. A must-see, for sure.

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