Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving (& Praise)

We're enjoying a bit of a reprieve, as dad is feeling somewhat better and has now figured out a way to get himself out of his chair by putting his weight on another chair in front of him.

How thankful we are to see him a bit more comfortable and mobile. He uses a cane always and relies on prescription painkillers that help him deal with the shooting pains in his hip and pelvic area (caused from bone cancer).

This weekend, we had a visit that caught us by surprise from dad's family. His half brother and his wife, his brother and his wife, and his stepsister and her husband took the 5 hour trip down to my parents' home to see dad. We do not see them very often, so we were touched by their thoughtfulness and the affection and care they are showing. Although my step grandmother (now in her eighties) was unable to come, she sent money and fruitcake, along with other goodies. Dad feels well-loved all around.

Prayer concerns: dad receives his second chemo treatment Wednesday, November 29, and will likely have brain surgery the week after. Please pray that he will be able to maintain his strength and that he'll continue to feel the deep peace that he has been experiencing.

Also, I would greatly appreciate your prayers on behalf of the rest of the family. It is a trying time, and it is easy to take each for granted and to take our frustration or weariness out on each other. Pray that we would love each other well and draw closer during this time.

Finally, please don't take your loved ones for granted. Love them well now, and tell them so. Don't let life get so busy that you cannot make time for these important moments. Live fully; breathe deeply. King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes "However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all."

Dad swells with pride and appreciation for everything we do for him. A few weeks ago I bought him a small ceramic heart that simply says "Life is better because you are my dad." That sums it up. Cancer is teaching all of us how to love well.

With much gratitude for your support, notes, and prayers...



mark said...


I have been reading through your blog the past few weeks. It is evident that God has given you strength through all this. I wanted to let you know that you, your Dad and all your family are in my prayers. I will be praying especially hard Wednesday for your Dad's surgery. May God bless you and your whole family!

Cal said...

What a great picture of you and your Dad!!!

As always, Vicki and I remember you before the throne.

Suzie said...

Hello dear friends:

Yes, indeed, all is well, and all is well, and all shall be well. I believe that's a quote from St. Francis?

Anyway, I appreciate your prayers so much. Dad enters chemo treatment #2 tomorrow...