Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dad Comes Home

Dad returned home from the hospital late yesterday afternoon. He is still quite wobbly, and he has significant swelling in his feet and ankles.

He now has a walker and will likely be getting a wheelchair sometime today. In addition, a therapist is advising them on how to rearrange their home so dad does not have to go up the stairs. If he falls, he is in great danger of breaking some bones due to the steroids he is on.

Please pray for grace for my dad to accept these huge changes. My mom also asked for prayer last night that she would not be afraid. She so hates to see dad this way and she's afraid he will fall.

Thank you for lifting her up. She is a dear servant of God, trying to make the best of this trying time.

Also, prayers for me are appreciated as I will be going there again this weekend, and then for an extended Thanksgiving weekend as well.

May God bring all of us into a spacious place. (Psalm 18:19)


Unknown said...

My mom is in the same situation. The cancer has made her bones very weak and it wouldn't take much to break them.

She is still in the hospital from the surgery to strengthen her leg bone, but they went over things to make her house safer.

She needs such things as a stool in the shower and rails for the toilet. I'm not sure about the steps. I don't know if a ramp is feasable based on income, but maybe I can construct something cheap.

I really wish she would move here so I could take care of her better than my dad has, but my dad refuses to move for some reason. It's never simple it seems.

Cal said...

I'm reminded of when my mom experienced the leg swellings, and we had to lift her legs in and out of the car and help her move around. She sat down in her recliner one afternoon, looked at my big leg in its compression stocking, and said "If I had understood how heavy your legs must get, I'd have done more things for you..."

Our transition from children to caregivers is not an easy one, and it always comes on us sooner than we would have ever expected. But with it comes a connection to God that's unlike anything else, and an understanding of His Fatherness in caring for us. In the midst of all the difficulty and stress, I pray that you (Suzie AND Jerry) won't miss the way God reveals His love in many ways through this time.

Suzie said...

There is relief in the sharing of these burdens. Thank you for your words, and please keep them coming...