Thursday, November 09, 2006

Chemotherapy #1 Completed

Dad completed his first 3 1/2 hour chemotherapy treatment yesterday. He must not have felt too bad, because he ate a sandwich right afterwards.

The Dr. confirmed earlier prognosis that the cancer is throughout his body and that his time is limited. How limited no one can say for sure.

I will go down to Indiana to spend some time with my parents this Friday and Saturday. Thank you to all for the many prayers that are covering my parents and I. We are in need of your intercession, and we feel so very supported through it. Thank you for walking this new journey with us.


buiterdesign said...

just heard about your dad. will be thinking about you and praying for your family.

Suzie said...

Thanks so much, Amanda. Miss you much and would like to hear a report on your China trip sometime...