Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm going to, seminary

It's a bad joke. But everyone immediately gets the irony. Those who nitpick and whip their faith to death through too much analysis and study end up withering on the vine. More than one person has lost their faith, or at least their passion, while inside the seminary walls.

I have no interest in cemetery. 

Seminary, on the other hand, gets me excited. I spent 12 hours at the preview day yesterday, and it made me want to start classes today. Even though I am exhausted. And I have a chaplaincy call a state away this afternoon. Even then.

The professors and the students at this particular seminary (sorry, I'm not going to identify it) were full of grace, humility, and passion. I wanted to hang around them; I felt that by osmosis alone I would soak up a great deal. Then there is the promise of challenging coursework and a stimulating environment--I know seminary will be difficult at times. I also feel confident that I will be treated with respect and care and understanding.

For too long, I have coasted, skimming the surface, but not studying or understanding on a deeper level. I am no longer content to remain this way. Bring it on! Now if I can just wait five long months for classes to start. 


Erin said...

Congrats! Very exciting! You know, I've been contemplating doing a program sometime in the next few years that GRTS offers for professionals who want to delve deeper into serious Scripture study but aren't looking for a degree.

Suzanne Cross-Burden said...

Hey, thanks. We need all the cheerleaders we can get, as I am sure you are aware because of Zach's time in seminary! To everything there is a season, right?

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