Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Ever-Fabulous Pink Sweats

I don't like to attach myself to articles of clothing. I'm more of a scour-the-closet-every-six-months-and-visit-goodwill kind of gal. An organized closet is the sign of an organized mind, I always say. Honestly, I have no patience for ratty tshirts or holey undergarments. If it outlives its usefulness or attractiveness, it must go.

But as with any complex woman, there are exceptions to my rule. Or one exception in particular. Enter my ever-fabulous pink sweats.

I think I must have bought them at least two years ago at a secondhand shop. I saw them hanging there, all cute and girly, and looking infinitely comfortable, and I scoffed at the thought they would fit mwwwaaaa. I mean, at 5'3 1/2" I'm classified as a petite, so regular pants NEVER fit. Except that when I checked the tag, these cute little aeropostale ever-fabulous pink sweats were a short! Eureka. I was smitten.

And I do mean smitten. I took those pants home, washed 'em, and was rarely seen at home without them. They became comfort personified, especially as my dad was passing away, and as I entered a new relationship with David. And the more David visited me in Michigan, the more he noticed how many times I changed into those fabulous pink sweats.

And eventually he said something any guy falling in love should try: "I really love you in those pink sweats." So he was a keeper. And of course, so are the pants! They fit like a hand in a glove should feel, and to keep that perfect fit, I wash them in cold and never dry them in the dryer. Never.

Yes, I'm obsessive about this one thing. And now the husband has a bargaining chip when it comes to his 15-year-old shirts, extra old army stuff, or completely outdated pants. "But I like these kinda like you like your pink sweats, honey!" And I laugh every time and shake my head and put on my ever-fabulous pink sweats.

Because I'm just so tickled that I spent about $3.50 on something that defines comfort for me. And now I'm sharing them with you, friends. A photo, that is. You can't have the actual pink sweats no matter how much I love ya. But you can order some almost-like-Suzie's-fabulous-pants pants in a lovely shade of petunia. Just not for $3.50. Sorry about your luck!

Aero Athletics Knit Pant


Erin said...

Just noticed your new profile pic on your blog (I know this has nothing to do with this post). I just wanted to say you look great in that photo!

Suzanne Cross-Burden said...

We have our friend, Sarah Musselman, to thank:

She also just took wedding portraits off us at a local botanical conservatory.