Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Open Letter to My Facebook Friends

Dear people who live on

No, I am not signed up. This does not mean my US citizenship has been revoked or that I'm turning into a hermit, or that I've forgotten my friends of yesteryear. 

Doesn't mean any of that.

I've received your multiple invitations, and your emails, and your "I think you're the only one not on Facebook" exhortations. Due to the tide swell of invites and the multiple conversations I've had about facebook, I've considered signing on.

Wouldn't it be fun, I've thought, to see what old classmates/boyfriends/roommates are doing now? I'd really like to hear from some old friends. And I haven't entirely ruled out becoming a member of facebook at some point in my life. It would be something to pass the time if I were bed-ridden, for instance. :)

But right now, I'm afraid that facebook would suck me in like a vacuum cleaner, beckoning me into constant online conversations and frankly, wasting my time. I'm already good at wasting time (sometimes on this blog!) and so I've resisted the grand, loud and insistent facebook vortex.

I have just said no...for now. But that doesn't mean I don't love you, people. Seriously. If you'd like to convince me otherwise about facebook, I'm opening myself up to your honest, heartfelt feedback.

Post below. Let's here from you on why you love or hate facebook!




Erin said...

Love it, though I don't like the new format. It can be a time waster at first as you're setting everything up and getting into it, but after that you can totally forget about it for a while, especially if you block all the stupid games and applications that people invite you to do. Those are the real time wasters, I think.

Chodarling said...

It is an "interesting tool" to say the is less complicated than its counterpart has is cliches & communities so you will regain that ole' high school feeling! It can be addictive as anything internet related can be...but...I just check it once daily as I do my various email accounts & favorite blogs...(i.e. time spent on your blog is not "wasted")!

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzie~

Okay - I have to admit that I'm not really commenting on your blog. I have two reasons for posting:

1) I wanted to find out if any old person can comment on someone's blogspot or if you have to be a member or something. That's the work part of my purpose. (It might be something we can use for our teammates to interact and share thoughts on a Bible study everyone is being given in preparation for our conference in a couple weeks.)

2) The other part is to tell you that I will be in Marion IN speaking on Nov. 2. I'll email you soon to see if we can work out some kind of visit! :)