Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Blogmania: Suzie says hello to international visitors

Color me excited--I just discovered that folks have been visiting my blog from Australia, Kenya, the Bahamas, and the UK. (Not to worry, I have no idea who you are...I can just see I got a visit from your city/country.)

Welcome, international friends. And please forgive my myopic all-American perspective on life. I love Jesus, and dear friends and family, books of all kinds, dark chocolate, and almost any kind of music. In short, I love exploring and living life to its fullest.

Enough about me, though...I'd like to hear about you. International friends, please comment and tell us about yourselves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzie - thinking of you, and remembered your blog! You and I just had a great "virtual" visit - and I loved, loved, loved your wedding pictures. Bless you, my friend. Leigh Mc