Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Things a girl might learn on facebook

Facebook is fun...but also funny.

Take for instance, the way my mom didn't want to be listed as "single" on facebook. So when she changed to no status, it said "she is no longer single" with a heart next to it. Oh, dear.

Just today, I learned that a friend showered, that "people suck," and who went to whose house for Thanksgiving by viewing photos. I have been zinged by lots of snowballs (finally discovered how to "block" this feature) and reunited with folks I might never have seen again, including two friends from high school.

All of it still feels a little surreal. A little like a parallel universe. And so....so, I am trying to develop a new habit of only checking my facebook account once a day. Really. I'll have to let you know how that goes. Perhaps I'll have to start communicating the old-fashioned way...via email. Ha!


Anonymous said...


i'm on a month long facebook sabbatical - and may make it a life long sabbatical, we'll see - i was wasting wasting wasting too much time trying to think of a clever status' and looking at 'friends' pictures. it's time for face-to-face friends, not just facebook friends. not to mention deadlines… and poor time management…

now instead, I check out friends blogs.
geesh, what a mess. (does it help that i am aware?)

love to you and david-

Suzanne Cross-Burden said...


Self-awareness is a beautiful thing. Congrats on the facebook decision. I'm feeling your pain on the poor time management thing. I'm having a dastardly time trying to be disciplined with so much time at my disposal. And the ironic thing is, I do have plenty to do--it's just not pressing.

Hugs to ya! Suzie

Anonymous said...

mrs. suzie-

this was a great kick in the pants to me today.
hope you will be encouraged as well.

You owe it to all of us to get on with what you're good at.
W.H. Auden


Suzanne Cross-Burden said...

Love the quote and am writing it down....now! I'm feeling a new determination to invest my time in things that matter.

Look forward to connecting in the not-so-distant future!


Erin said...

Hey, I was very proud of that shower and I knew that every acquaintance of mine would want to know about it. ;)

Suzie, I'm counting on you to comment on my latest blog post--it's right up your alley.