Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dream this, dream that

I do not understand my dream life. Not at all.

Just yesterday, I took an afternoon nap and started to awake in the middle of a vivid dream. I was having a picnic with Obama, folks, a real middle-America picnic, and I believe Robin from Good Morning, America was there also. Couldn't tell you why exactly. Except that I really like Robin. She's always struck me as the friendly sort--and besides she appeared on TV every morning while going through chemotherapy and radiation!! The girl is strong AND kind.

So there was Obama, standing behind this table with a red and white checked tablecloth, of course, when he said something unusual. He said that all of the food we consume at this picnic must be red. (Which is ironic, isn't it, considering he's hoping for "blue" states, not "red" ones.) But anyhoo, I'm not making this up. So I was panicking a little, when I realized I could eat a red-skinned potato at this picnic. Yes, I was even pleased at the prospect. (Why? Probably because I have red-skinned potatoes in the cupboard. David thinks I should have chosen watermelon.)

But anyhoo, we moved away from the food table to encounter a pretty young thing who claimed she had a picnic with my darling husband a year ago. The nerve! I was pretty worked up, at her having spent time with my sexy husband and all, when I woke up.

I told David the whole dream, and he asked me what color the girl's hair was. I told him blond, and he said "Not to worry. I've never gone for blondes." Which was supposed to be comforting. When meanwhile, I am thinking, can anyone make sense of this incredibly strange dream??

Any ideas? :)

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