Sunday, December 23, 2007

I said . . . yes, of course!

Last night, at around 7:30 pm, on the second floor of an old, beautiful hotel, as we were sitting next to a brilliantly lit Christmas tree, David asked me to be his wife! After I recovered, I said I'd be honored.

It wasn't yet Christmas, and so I was slightly surprised, especially since a sinus headache had put me in a foul mood earlier in the day. And since I was speaking and singing in Sunday School this morning, I had grand plans to be in bed by about 9 pm. Riiiiight.

David, the early bird, woke up about 6 am Saturday--by 7 am he was asking my mother if he could marry her daughter. At 7:30 am, he was scheduled to have breakfast at IHOP with a very good friend of mine named Jack. He and his wife have become like family to me over the last several years, and Jack wanted to have a little one-on-one time with David, to get to know him a bit better and make sure he truly is the one I've been waiting for! After over 2 hours at breakfast with Jack, David had clued him in on his intentions and showed him the diamond.

Then David began a long day of waiting . . .

Our date started with a wonderful tour of a local garden that featured Christmas trees around the world. Next, the first-rate Cuban/Spanish restaurant where we had our first date. We reminisced about our first evening together in June and laughed at how comfortable we'd become. For dessert, we reordered a scrumptious dish of the most heavenly dark chocolate. My headache was easing, and my mood was definitely improving...

A nice walk through downtown, then a stroll through the hotel until David found his spot.
Surreal, yes. Happy, absolutely! Thankful? I am!

For God in his perfect way, in his perfect timing, has brought two "mature" never-been-marrieds together. We pinched each other to make sure it was real. It is.

When I called mom last night, she said she'd been praying for David for 38 years. "But I'm only 35!" I insisted. "Oh, 36 years then." Turns out she was asking God to bring me a godly spouse while she was pregnant.

Thanks, mom! And thanks be to God, who gives us immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.


Jerry MacDonald said...

Wow! Congratulations!

Cal said...

YEEHAW!!!!! Blessings to you both - we couldn't be happier for you!!! We're only 25 years ahead of you, so we expect you to catch up! :-D