Monday, October 22, 2007

"Isn't it lovely?" or "Suzie falls in love at last"

True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.
Erich Sega

Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it comes late in life.
Lord Byron

Yes! Alright already! I have fallen in love and left blogging behind for too long, until friends and acquaintances and my honey himself have begged me to write at last, to fill in all the delicious blanks in this love story, to give them reasons to smile coyly and whisper, "Well, Suzie, it's about time..."

About 6 months ago, I was on, partly as a diversion from the impending grief our family was experiencing at the thought of losing dad--partly because, although my dating life seemed bleak (or non-existent), I still thought there might be a single of the male species out there, over 30 years old, who loved Jesus, didn't fear commitment, and might someday love me. Maybe.

I wasn't holding my breath, and I was carefully screening all potential applicants. Within a month, I had closed out a bevy of 43-year-olds (or it seemed like they were all 43) who either weren't serious in their search or just didn't seem right for Suzie.

And so, as my options narrowed drastically, a 41-year-old from the state of Indiana named David, remained open. He looked kind, he appeared to have a good heart, and to my surprise, it seemed like I had the qualities he was looking for.

Then came the first phone call, an awkward event, where each party listens politely, and laughs more than usual. He was interesting, this David. But was he determined enough to call back? Sensitive enough for a grieving heart? Confident enough to appreciate a confident woman?

In short, yes! And so began the process of phone calls and visits, the shared interests of following Jesus, and appreciating music, fine cuisine and dark chocolate--and discovering differences, and admiring each other carefully from a distance.

I am not sure when this fondness turned to love, for it was gradual and sweet. Was it the beautiful bike ride around Mackinac Island? The day he slipped a "ring pop" on my finger and asked me to go steady? Could it be the way David, although unsure of what to say or do, stepped into the fresh grief mom and I were experiencing? Perhaps it was the day I realized that although dad had never met David, I knew for certain dad would appreciate David's strong work ethic and his faithful heart; his easy laughter and the way he opens my car door, just one of the ways he gently cares for me.

It was not a moment in time for me, but a slow understanding and awakening. I write of it now because writer Don Miller once said that if you like someone you should tell them. How much more true, I think, if you love them, and they are in a place to receive that love. Especially when they have first extended their love to you.

Of course, CS Lewis also writes that love is dangerous, and that if you want to protect your heart, you will not give it to anyone, not even an animal. But I have learned through the years, as Lewis did, the life of the imprisoned, guarded heart is no way to live. And so I choose love, no matter what comes.

Not long ago I held David's hand and said "God is good, all the time." And he said "All the time, God is good."


Cal said...

Not to mention that you two are SUCH a cute couple!! :-D I love watching you both when you don't know I'm watching whilst playing music and seeing you in your own little world. Sweet indeed! (that's the advantage of having most of my tunes memorized...) Blessings, friends!

Suzie said...

Cal, we love your music so...pretty please leave your blog address so others can discover your beautiful whistle music as well.
-Suzie the smitten

Cal said...

As you request, so I comply, friend...

Now, back to work on the better-late-than-never Christmas CD. :-D