Sunday, July 08, 2007

Memories of Dad soon to come

Hello all:

I've had the most of annoying of technical problems, which has prevented me from posting the letter to dad I read at his funeral and memorial services. But it is soon to come--I promise.

For now, please read the article below, and grab your kleenex first.

We have made it this last week through the whirlwind of a visitation, a funeral service in one state, a memorial service in another and a graveside service just for family.

Memories include my two-year-old niece declaring that the funeral home was "heaven" and that "him was sweeping there." An attendant at the funeral service (who had never met my father) broke down and went outside to compose himself. Grown men wept at his casket, his services were filled with holy joy, tears mingled with laughter, and a multitude of loved ones, including parishioners from each of his churches, college roommates, pastor and missionary friends, even those who had meant him only once (from charismatic to United Methodists to police officers) and walked away somehow changed.

He is loved, that is for sure. And he is free...

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