Monday, February 26, 2007

Wherever You Are...

“If there were any place better for you than the one in which you find yourself, Divine Love would have placed you there.”
-Charles Spurgeon

His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches each of us, wherever we are, whatever our joy or pain.

Today I remind myself that Jesus loves each of us, the sickly and hurting, the virile and energetic, but most of all, the least of these. And he does know our address--he knows what's happening with us at this moment, and what will happen in the next minute and hour, and what life will hold tomorrow.

Dad's pain took a sharp turn yesterday around 4 pm, slicing through his lower spine. No amount of pain medication could touch it. Today the Dr. ordered a scan and an additional treatment of radiation, hoping to eradicate some of the pain. Some more hefty pain medication may help, and we pray for comfort and peace.

We pray for grace to accept each moment as it comes, to keep living in the light of our Savior's love. A passion so recklessly poured out on us, redeeming the pain and sorrow and helplessness. Divine love has placed dad here, in this situation at this moment in time.

And so it is with you, in your particular situation, with your particular needs and desires, in selfishness and holiness--his passion is unending and full of mercy. You, friend, are loved beyond understanding. Our Abba-Father is never stingy, never late, never half-hearted, never lukewarm. And his love is far from ordinary.

Watch for it today by sustaining attention on things that normally pass you by. And you will see it with eyes that seek it and ears that are ready to hear.



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